VenaSeal for treating varicose veins

VenaSeal For Treating Varicose Veins

What is VenaSeal?

VenaSeal is a recent innovation for treating Varicose Veins. Using medical grade superglue, VenaSeal is used to seal off the saphenous vein, which is the most common cause of varicose veins. This treatment is minimally invasive and boasts excellent success rates compared to other treatment options, with most patients describing only minimal discomfort.  Unlike most other varicose vein treatments, it has a unique advantage in that the majority of patients do not have to wear a compression stocking after the treatment.


The VenaSeal treatment is an ultrasound guided procedure performed at the practice.  A fine tube is threaded into the abnormal vein after applying a small amount of local anaesthetic. A very small amount of medical grade glue is then inserted, and the vein walls are pressed together with gentle pressure for 30 seconds whilst the glue sets.  This process of injecting the glue and applying gentle pressure is repeated every 3cm down the full length of the vein to be treated.   The treatment seals off the abnormal vein, with blood being immediately rerouted through healthy surrounding veins in the leg.  Over time, the healing process results in scarring and reabsorption of the vein, resulting in it being permanently sealed off.

What are the advantages of the VenaSeal treatment?

Minimal anaesthetic.  Unlike other treatment options for varicose veins, VenaSeal does not require a large amount of anaesthetic to complete. The procedure is performed with only a tiny amount of local anaesthetic, with no need for any sedation or general anaesthetic. Heat based treatments, such as laser, require a much larger volume of local anaesthetic solution to safely perform, which patients often find the most uncomfortable part of these treatment types.

Minimal disruption to lifestyle and work commitments. Patients have described the VenaSeal treatment as having minimal discomfort, being able to return straight to work. .

Most patients do not have to use a compression stocking afterwards, unlike the other saphenous vein treatment options. Compression stockings are often the most disliked part of varicose vein treatment aftercare, which many patients finding them hot, uncomfortable, difficult to apply and remove, and aesthetically unappealing.

How effective is the VenaSeal treatment?

Studies conducted into the success rates of the VenaSeal treatment has shown an initial success rate of 94% to 98.9% six months after treatment. This treatment has been extensively studied in the US and Europe achieving great results for patients who have undergone the procedure, showing a low risk of complications with great medium-term results. As it is a relatively new treatment, long term results are yet to be published, but the success rates are at least as good as other options based on the currently available results.

What is VenaSeal made of?

VenaSeal is a special type of medical grade adhesive known as cyanoacrylate. It is specially formulated in medical labs and has been used in many other types of medical procedures since the 1950s such as dental, orthopaedic and plastic surgery. Some of the properties of the VenaSeal glue that make it ideal for sealing veins include:

  • When the VenaSeal glue comes into contact with the blood within the vein wall, it rapidly seals the vein with minimal movement, so it does not spread into adjacent healthy blood vessels.
  • It is very soft and elastic after it sets, meaning that once it has been applied, patients are not able to detect it under the skin.
  • It has been shown to be extremely safe, and is non-toxic, anti-bacterial and has very low allergenicity.

What are some the side effects of Vanaseal?

As with all varicose vein treatment options, there are some possible adverse side effects of the VenaSeal treatment. These include:

Inflammation of the treated vein can cause redness, tenderness, and swelling along the vein’s path. This is typically mild and can be managed with anti-inflammatory medications.

Although rare, there is a risk of developing a blood clot in a deep vein. Symptoms include leg pain, swelling, and redness. DVT is a serious condition that requires immediate medical attention.

In extremely rare cases, a blood clot may travel to the lungs, causing a pulmonary embolism. Symptoms include sudden shortness of breath, chest pain, and rapid heart rate. This is deemed a medical emergency.

Some patients may experience an allergic reaction to the cyanoacrylate adhesive. Symptoms can range from mild itching and rash to more severe reactions like difficulty breathing or swelling, which require prompt medical attention.

Numbness in the skin over the treated area can occur due to nerve irritation or damage. This is usually temporary but can be persistent in some cases.

Mild to moderate pain or discomfort is common in the treated area, especially in the first few days after the procedure. Pain management typically involves over-the-counter pain relievers.

Swelling around the treated vein or injection site is a common side effect. It is generally mild and subsides within a few days to weeks.

Bruising at the injection site is a frequent occurrence. It is usually minor and resolves on its own without treatment.

These side effects are no different to the potential side effects experienced with heat-based treatment options, such as laser. Most side effects of VenaSeal are mild and temporary (with the exception of DVT, pulmonary embolism, and severe allergic reactions), but it is essential for patients to be aware of these potential risks and to seek medical attention if they experience any severe or persistent symptoms.

How much does the VenaSeal cost?

As of May 2018, the VenaSeal treatment has been added to the Medicare Benefit Scheme. This means that the treatment is now more affordable than ever.  Out of pocket costs vary according to how extensive a treatment is required (specifically if one or both saphenous veins in the leg need treatment) and whether one or both legs are to be treated.

Am I suitable?

In order to determine your suitability for the VenaSeal treatment you will need a referral from your General Practitioner to arrange a consultation with Dr Magee at Sunshine Coast Vascular. Dr Rebecca Magee is an experienced vascular and endovascular surgeon on the Sunshine Coast, offering a full suite of treatment options for varicose veins. If it is decided that the VenaSeal treatment is not an appropriate option for you, then there are still a number of great other treatments available that may be suitable, and as a vascular surgeon, Dr Magee is able to offer you both “walk in, walk out” and day surgery treatment options.

Specialists in minimally invasive vascular treatments

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